Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 8: Paper Flower Ornaments

This project is for those of you with school age kiddos.  I needed to do some new stuff with my older two so here's a project that I have up my sleeve to complete with them this week. Wouldn't these look pretty attached to a present?

Paper flower ornament
Please go to How About Orange for the tutorial to make these.  They look really complicated but they are super easy.  I was also thinking that even though you may have a preschooler they would probably enjoy making the pattern ones.  You can have them tell you which color comes next in the pattern.  Always finding a teachable moment!



  1. I can't find the directions for these when I follow the link :(

  2. Jennifer,
    I fixed the link so you should be able to go right to the directions. Please let me know if you still can't find it.
